Still Life 靜物

Still Life, 2010
Pencil on paper
46 x 61cm

What are the boundaries between life and art? What is the distinction between everyday objects and artwork? Obsolete issues still remain no specific answer. The public and the circle of art towards definition of art exist constant distance. Who is right? Particularly after the appearance of Marcel Duchamp and John Cage, emergence of notion of readymade objects and liberation of artistic concept directly blur the content of art. 

Artwork in history has been generalized in books by form of photograph. If the readers need a thorough comprehension, they basically have to possess fundamental knowledge of contemporary and traditional art. No matter you have sufficient knowledge or not, everyday objects and artwork are very much alike in certain ways. In order to realize the core relation among them, I regard the classical paintings, sculpture, installation, etc, as objective still life. Through the observation, I sketch and depict them.

生活與藝術的界線為何?日常品跟藝術品的分野在哪?老掉牙的問題依然沒有確實的答案。大眾與藝術圈子對「藝術」的定義存在著恆久的斷裂,到底誰對誰錯?尤在杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)、凱奇(John Cage)等人的出現後,現成物想法的出現以及美學概念的解放致使藝術真真正正的被模糊化。
