Umbilical Cord 臍帶

Umbilical Cord, 2021
Fish wire, daily objects, mixed media, drop sound, multi-channel video and performance 
Performer: Tang Kwok Hin, Florence Lam, Herman Lau, Hong Kong Arts Centre's Staff
Dimension variable
Main video, (*based on request), 1h19m50s 
Main video trailer:

This is an era where taking a breath has become such an act of uncertainty, will one find accompany in other entities? Be it a light bulb, or a folding chair, these moments to be spent together will turn into nutrients for us to hang on.

Or hasn’t my umbilical cord been cut? The other end has long been hidden inside my stomach, keeps reminding me of the hunger for my mother’s milk when I was in her arms – the desire to live on.

Mom, the sun is so strong, if I were a tree I would have been cut down; if I were a human, I would have been caught.

Would there be gentle wind among skyscrapers? So that rotten wood would be allowed to grow lissome stems which can fly away with the kites.

A certain day, two persons and one camera, one performance artist, one mixed media artist, as well as a documentary maker, improvised to make metaphors of the current era in a closed theatre without show and audience.

彷彿連呼吸也令人疑惑的時代,身外一切可否作伴? 即便是一個燈泡、一張摺椅,均可共同渡過些時間,支援走下去的力量。




一天,二人一機,一個行為藝術家;一個藝術家/ 記錄者,在沒有任何表演及觀眾的劇場裡,即興地抒發及嘗試刻劃出當下時代的隱喻。