Belongings of Time 新舊物

Belongings of Time, 2017
Socially engaged art project, daily objects from artist's home, artwork by participants driven by their personal stories
Dimension Variable

To be born, you exist in a well-established and -developed era. There are buildings, stores, roads, parks, people, images… Behind appearances, a great deal of isolated, every ideology or concept, is accumulated perspectives of knowledge and experiences from the past; on the other hand, it suppresses imagination beyond borders.

To wander in the daily routine, sometimes we encounter interest; sometimes we give up outmoded values. Information push people stepping forward like waves. Anxious paces being unstable to fall into billow it rolls. In the sea, is there no more pure land? To remember from memory and experiences, the surplus of emotional points, the paragraphs we cannot ignore. The current and the past create gap between new and old by the distance of minds recalling processes of speculation about remodeling, rumination, deduction, etc., to help oneself for settlement.

New and old; look at you; look at myself; I have been here.

當生下來的時候,已置身充分建設及發展的時代。那裡有建築、商鋪、道路、公園、人們、影像…… 表象背後,眾多被孤立的,每一個意識形態或概念,是前人知識與經驗累積成的視角,又同時壓制想像力超越邊界。

